Saturday, August 11, 2007


Sorry it has been so long since I have posted! I have been working hard on Mommin' It Up and all my computer time has been devoted to that. If you haven't seen it, we launched a new site design this week so check it out!

Another reason for my lethargy has been this terrible heat we've had here. Temperatures close to 100 and horrific humidity have plagued us all week! We've tried to stay in as much as possible (much to Joshua's chagrin), but we did venture out Wednesday to the new splash-themed park in Five Oaks with my friend Jessica & her three kiddos. I must've been concentrating on gabbing with Jess rather than taking pics, because none of my pics from that morning are very good, but here are a couple in which the kids at least look cute!

We had a little surprise Thursday morning when Joshua woke up with huge HIVES all over his legs and left arm. We are really stumped as to what could've caused them. I took him to the dr., and she said to just give him Benadryl, and just in case, no peanut butter for 2 weeks. NO PEANUT BUTTER!? What is the child going to eat?? I have got to get to the grocery and stock up on mac & cheese & chicken nuggets!

Sophie is trying to pull up but hasn't quite gotten there yet. She is talking alot and it is soo cute of course. I don't think she knows what she's saying, but she does make both the "da da" and "ma ma" sounds, in addition to a lot of other cute babbling.

Yesterday I had a crazy day with the kids involving lots of pee, poop, and throw-up, but I am going to save that for Mommin' It Up! So stay tuned....

I promise to do better about posting this week!

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