Thursday, July 12, 2007

Supermodel Sophie

Today Sophie became a professional model. I suppose it was just destiny for such a beautiful little girl! Ha ha! Here's what really happened: I joined the Evenflo Moms Research Group, so I could get paid for testing baby products. (Evenflo is headquartered here in the Dayton area.) Well, they sent an email asking any group members who were interested to send pictures of their babies to be considered for a photo shoot for the Evenflo Snugli (baby carrier). I sent So's pic in and she was chosen! Today we went to the photo shoot. We were there about 1.5 hrs and she spent 30-40 minutes in a Snugli strapped to a fake "Mommy" (a model who looked about 22 and was about a size 2. I dare say she hasn't had any kids! Sophie's weight about snapped her in half.) There was also a fake daddy to gaze adoringly at her. (He also looked nothing like her real daddy!) Sophie did GREAT! She was very cheerful and gave some great smiles and angelic looks. Everyone fawned over her of course. She is now extremely conceited. She is going to expect a personal hairstylist every day now! I don't know what I'm going to do to keep her humble. :) For her work, she was paid $50. Woohoo! A pretty good hourly rate if you ask me. I think as her agent I should get 20%. Ha! Who knows if So will model again. I guess she can do any gig where they don't want to put bronzer or eyeliner on her. As long as it's in the Dayton area. So, the opportunities will be limited. It was fun though! I am going to keep testing Evenflo products, because I get paid $75 for two hours, and I don't have to be in any pictures!


Hopie said...

Congratulations on the modeling career...for both Sophie and Mom. I can't wait to see the little star in person.

xxooxxooxxo Hopie

Ben said...

I did some modeling when I was a kid, approximately between ages five and seven, as I recall. I built two plastic sports cars and the Millennium Falcon. But my parents made me quit after I got a super glue bottle stuck up my nose. That was the end of my modeling career.

You know we have models in TEXAS, too. Okay I'm done with that.