Wednesday, June 13, 2007

So in a Bow!

Today I received 4 hair bows that I had ordered for Sophie from a website I found, I am sooo happy with them! They were only $2 each so the risk was minimal, but I was a little skeptical. Would they stay in? Would SoSo mess with them? Would they really be as cute as the pictures? So far she has had one in for about 6 hours, and she doesn't seem to know it's there! And they are all adorable! I went a little crazy taking pictures since this is her first hair bow. So I made a collage of the pictures for you all to enjoy. You can click on it if you want a larger view. Shortly after I took the pictures, Sophie, who had been sitting up for 15 minutes or so, tumbled over and face planted in the grass. Those of you who have been to our house know we have 3 large evergreen trees so there are tons of needles in our yard. Well, So fell just right on one of them and it pierced her little cheek, so when I set her up there was a dot of blood. I was horrified but she was generally unscathed and never even fussed a bit! Shew!

Today we took a trip to Target (please pronounce it Tar-ZHAY everyone!) I had not been there since I quit work, which shows a huge amount of self control on my part. We got Sophie some Pampers bibsters and a digital clock for Joshua's room. I am hoping he will think the clock is cool and listen to me when I tell him he cannot get up in the morning until the clock says 7. He has been getting up between 6:30 and 7 and it is killing me because SoSo usually wants to be fed around 5, so by the time I get back to sleep it's 5:15, 5:20....and I'm TIRED! Although, I noted happily last night, I haven't heard my alarm clock go off since June 1 which is awesome!!!

Time to get the kiddos ready for Wednesday night church....So will of course be wearing a bow, for the first time in public. I don't know how we'll get past all the paparazzi!

1 comment:

Hopie said...

Sack the alarm clock; these are are new times! And take a bow for the bow! What cuteness....